3 Simple Ways to Spring Clean Your PC

Spring has sprung and the trash piles are out on the lawns and garage sales are a go-go. So what about a spring clean for the machine you work hard every day – your computer?
Do these 3 simple steps and watch your computer smile!
1. Do a Defrag. (How?)
2. Uninstall any programs you no longer use. (How?)
3. Empty your Recycle Bin. (How?)
3 1/2. Yep, 3 1/2! Of course, there are much more indepth ways to give your computer a thorough spring clean. Drop your PC into PC Pitstop, leave it with us for at least 48 hours and we’ll take it through our rigorous 99 Point Tuneup Checklist to make sure it returns to you IMPROVED! Drop in today to avoid the Christmas Holiday panic!
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