tech news

True or False? Battery Myths you Need to Know for Better Device Performance

We live in an age of the high-powered long-life battery-powered portable device. But it seems that the limitations of the nickel-based batteries that were prevalent in the early ’90s still apply to the more modern lithium ion and lithium polymer technologies we use today.

Everything You Wanted to Know About Hard Disk Drives

Hard Drives ready for Testing

Information storage is the hard drive’s main responsibility. Think the electronic version of the old office filing cabinet. Everything you keep on your computer is on a hard drive. Not just documents, emails, contacts, favorites pictures, music and videos.

Why do computers slow down?

Bruce Smail Port Macquarie using Computers

A question that we get asked all the time here at PC Pitstop is why computers get slower over time. This can start to happen within a year after you get a new PC, but usually, it happens in just a few short months.

Windows Product Lifecycle – End of Life Support Dates

Windows update pc pitstop port macquarie

Every Windows product has a lifecycle. The lifecycle begins when a product is released and ends when it’s no longer supported. Knowing key dates in this lifecycle helps you make informed decisions about when to upgrade or make other changes to your software.

Where’s My HoverBoard? :: 2015 Tech

Where's My HoverBoard? :: 2015 Tech

It is the year Back to the Future II predicted sneakers would lace themselves and kids would fly about on hoverboards.

The Future of Technology :: The Internet of Things

The Future of Technology:: The Internet of Things

Internet of things is going to be the next big thing. According to an estimate, the IoT industry touches $7 – $19 trillion by the 2020 and a report by Gartner says that there will be 26 billion devices connected by Internet of Things by 2020.

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Clarifying the Cloud :: What You Might Not Know Already

Clarifying the cloud :: What you might not know already

Here is an introduction to some basic questions you should be asking. As part of our coverage of the cloud and how it can help you, we invited Kris Hansen, technology manager at GFI Software to submit this guest column. Disclaimer: GFI has been an advertiser on the BIT website.

PUT THE DEVICE DOWN :: How Technology is Keeping us Up at Night


Bedtime and Gadgets: How Your Devices Could Be Disrupting Your Sleep.

Gadgets, Gizmos and Tech Gifts…& They’re not just Computers :: GREAT GIFT GUIDE

Gadgets, Gizmos and Tech Gifts...& They're not just Computers :: GREAT GIFT GUIDE

Tech gift guides can sometimes feel like the neglected middle children of Gift Guide Land—too often I see them populated with afterthought items, a perpetuation of the notion that tech can’t be pretty.

What can we buy our company for Christmas? INVEST NOW & SAVE

What can we buy our company for Christmas? INVEST NOW & SAVE

We have until January 1 to install new PCs, printers, storage systems and servers, update a firewall or invest in a large TV for displaying charts on the office wall.

Record Rootkits :: 1 Big Scary Reason to WATCH WHAT YOU CLICK!


Avoid the silent data destroyer – rootkits – with PC Pitstop Australia. A rootkits unwanted code is used to gain control over your computer by hiding deep inside your system. Unlike most viruses or worms, it is not directly destructive, and its objective is not to spread infection as wide as possible.