Month: August 2013

Is Your PC Battery Getting Enough Exercise?

Upscaled Laptop Batteries

Your laptop battery charges whenever your computer is plugged into external power through an AC Adapter, an optional power adapter, or an optional docking device. The battery charges whether the computer is off or in use, but it charges faster when the computer is off.

5 Fun Reasons to Follow PC Pitstop Australia!


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Google Glass Good for the Medical Industry

Google Glass Good for the Medical Industry

Are You Familiar with Google Glass? This innovative piece of wearable technology has garnered attention for its futuristic design and potential applications in various industries. It combines the power of augmented reality with everyday eyewear, offering users a unique way to interact with digital information seamlessly. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast or simply curious about the latest advancements, Google Glass is a fascinating glimpse into the future of wearable tech.

Your 9 Step Website Emergency Plan

Your 9 Step Website Emergency Plan

Having your website down can be almost as devastating as a facing a natural disaster.  It can affect user confidence, loyalty and ultimately eat into your bottom line, particularly if you are paying for online traffic.

7 Essentials for Your Business IT Setup

7 Essentials for Your Business IT Setup

While most big businesses are all up to date with their back-up and redundancy strategies, SMEs all too often don’t give full consideration to what could happen should disaster strike. The recent spate of natural disasters, including widespread flooding, hit many businesses hard. While some had no back-up strategy at all, others had their equipment stored in building basements that were the first to be flooded out.